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Work hard 2nd

Continues last week...

Before I will talk about next evens I will give you for information about a duty and liability of back stage, first. So as the duty that Social team must to do. Organizer (we) separated line responsibility for staff in parts of Back stage and front stage.

Back stage:

Even manager
Stage Manager
Backstage left-right
Key man

Front stage:


Even manager who recipe the concept form sponsor and think the theme, tell propose to another part to do as who created. Most EV. (Even manager) Deal to other teams; TAS, food, …
Stage Manager is the manager of organizes of each even. Who can control and fix the problem when back stage-front met a problem by his order, suddenly. So SM. (Stage manager) can go, pass anywhere in the even for look, order that easy to connect another part follow as agenda. SM. is the rider’s of every even.

Backstage left-right have a duty to security and control everybody who gets in-out between backstage and front stage that passed the doors. “Why backstage need to control which…” because while the even proceeding backstage is very busy; every show, MC, delegates were standby behind the stage also BS. (Backstage) have a duty to allow who come in and out no the stage follow action plan. So they need to stand at backstage only.

Key man is the caretaker who being the show, MC, delegate, ect to backstage, takes care them, and need to know anything about them. Such as “Key man MC” you need to know anything to MC “What they name…” ”How much MC in those even…” “How many time that MC go no the stage…” ”What the scrip that MC prepare for the even…” “What the point that MC standby, go no the stage and go down” “What the dress style that MC wear in the even…” Most you need to prepare foods and drinks for them, brief agenda for them before start even, prepare microphone for them, being them to the backstage for standby before the real time… “Why Key man need to know anything that takes care…” Because SM. (Stage manager), BS. (Backstage) can not to take care everybody with throughout, can not know anything about them, and not enough time to any question from them. So we need to have Key man for connector between MC and stage manager. Before the real day Key man will tell anything that does know to SM., BS. for them to prepare dress suite, Microphone, … , too.
Key man doesn’t have mark to stay but key man must to follow who take care.

Cooperator likes the key man that cooperate who take care between SM. , BS. But Cooperator connects between other parts. So SM. can not look, connect other parts with throughout. Therefore we need to cooperator to connect, told, recipe order to us as action plan.
Cooperator has a duty to recipe order, news, and any word sent to other parts that Cooperator doesn’t have mark to stay but who stand by closer SM., first.

Decoration is the part for important that dose ordered from EM. , SM. as follow the theme.

Prop. Is the duty of labor who ordered from SM. such as Pre welcome even agenda this even have a MC. SM. set up Key man’s MC. next Key man ask MC. ” What they want to use…” MC need to use Microphone then key man tell to SM. to prepare Microphone for MC, final SM. order to Prop. search, find, prepare for MC in the even.

Light-Sound they will prepare, stand by before start even, so they have a duty in proceeding of even. We mark they stay front of stage because they easy to control light and sound for follow as the theme.