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Try to write it...

Try to write it…

I think that the good time humm… or not good time?? “ha ha ha” So good time! And I think I will do something to up skill in English language again. I spent most of the time to wrote a my new story “horror story” in the paper and now that the good time I will copy draft from paper to this here.

OK let start it…Sick, cold and tired.
I felt bad. I decided to skip my lecture and stay at home. I had one of those fevers where I was too hot to stay in bed and too cold to get up. I felt too sick to do anything but too guilty to sit still and do nothing. I had tried to do some studying for a while. I gave up when I realised that I'd had five attempts at reading the same paragraph but had never made it past the middle of the third line.

Kayleigh, my flat mate, hadn't been home for almost two days. She'd phoned so she knew I felt bad and she'd promised to pick up some milk and a loaf of bread. I cursed her as I searched through the kitchen cupboards for something to eat. They were empty, and I was forced to accept that I'd have to pull myself together and go shopping.

Wrapped up in my thickest coat I tripped and sniffed to the shop at the end of Maple Street feeling drained, pathetic and thoroughly sorry for myself.

There were three customers (including me) in Mr Rashid's shop. I didn't pay any of them any attention at first. I was stood there haggling with myself, trying to justify spending a few pence more on my favourite brand of spaghetti sauce, when an old bloke lurched at me. For the fraction of a second before he touched me I was half-aware that he was coming. He reached out and grabbed hold of my arm. He was fighting for breath. It looked like he was having an asthma attack or something. I was only five terms into my five years of medical study and I didn't have a clue what was happening to him.

His face was ashen white and the grip he had on my sleeve tightened. I started to try and squirm away from him but I couldn't get free. I dropped my shopping basket and tried to prise his bony fingers off my arm.

There was a sudden noise behind me and I looked back over my shoulder to see that the other shopper had collapsed into a display rack, sending jars, tins and packets of food crashing to the ground. He lay on his back amongst them, coughing, holding his throat and writhing around in agony.

I felt the grip on my arm loosen and I turned back to look at the old man. Tears of inexplicable pain and fear ran freely down his weathered cheeks as he fought to catch his breath. His throat was obviously blocked, but I couldn't tell by what. My brain slowly began to click into gear and I started thinking about loosening his collar and laying him down. Before I could do anything he opened his wide, toothless mouth and I saw that there was blood inside. The thick crimson blood trickled down his chin and began to drip on the floor in front of me. He dropped to the ground at my feet and I watched helplessly as his body convulsed and shook.

I turned back to look at the other man who also lay on the marble floor, thrashing his arms and legs desperately around him.

I ran to the back of the shop to try and find Mr Rashid. The shop led directly into their home. By the time I found him and his wife they were both dead. Mrs Rashid had fallen in the kitchen and lay next to an upturned chair. The tap was still running. The sink had overfilled and water was spilling down the units and collecting in a pool around the dead lady's legs. Mr Rashid lay in the middle of the living room carpet. His face was screwed up in agony. He looked terrified.

I ran back through to the front of the shop. Both of the men I'd left fighting for breath were dead.

I walked back outside. The sun was incredibly bright and I had to shield my eyes. There were bodies everywhere - even through the brightness the dark shapes on the ground were unmistakable. Hundreds of people seemed to have died. I looked at the few closest to me. Whatever it was that had killed the people inside the shop had killed everyone outside too. They had all suffocated. Every face I looked into was ashen white and the mouth of every body was bloodied and red.

I looked up towards the junction of Maple Street and High Street. Three cars had crashed in the middle of the box junction. No-one was moving. Everything was still. The only thing that changed was the colour of the traffic lights as they steadily worked their way through red, amber and green.

There were hundreds, maybe even thousands of bodies around me. I was numb, cold and sick and I walked home, picking my way through the corpses as if they were just litter that had been dropped on the streets. I didn't allow myself to think about what had happened. I guess I knew that I wouldn't be able to find any answers. I didn't want to know what had killed the rest of the world around me and I didn't want to know why I was the only one left.

I let myself into the flat and locked the door behind me. I went into my room, drew the curtains and climbed back into bed. I lay there, curled up as tightly as I could, until it was dark.

“Do you think…?? “

”That OK…??”

“Are you fear…??”


Weekday to Weekend.

Weekday to Weekend.

That so long, so I didn’t up date my dairy because this time closer final area I must start read a textbook.

In weekday I didn’t do anymore but I spent most of the time to home work and read a text book (Law)

In weekday most of the people must spent the time to relax and enjoy to favorite activity. But I need to do work and spent the time to read a book.that day is weekend the end of a week but I didn’t end all my work.I need to work hard, read a book hard for exam. Have a nice Sunday
Have a nice Weekend.

“love is sacrifice”

Review to show my mind

So I would like to review the old story because if I continues to write a journal but I hadn’t old story I can’t to write continues.Review Today I was so confused in my mind especially in my heart. The story was begun since last semester when I was freshman. I met a girl who is study in faculty of law as me. On that day which was my exam, I was reading a textbook near the library.A moment later, one charming girl stepped closer and set opposite to me. She had a long brown hair, white skin, big eyes, cheerful, pretty shot and more sex appears.All of thing made me impressed by her. I wanted to know about her and wanted to talk with her more. But that day I couldn’t to take her because I read a textbook for exam. Then I never met her.

Until this semester I met her again. Especially she studied English in my class.
I’m very happy! I think… I will do sth. to let her know what I feel about her.

In other hand tell now she never had a boyfriend, but I know… she has just had boyfriend recently.

“What can I do??”
“What I will do??”

I think… I will do by “look to her who has a happy”

To show my mind

Some people said that “love is sacrifice” as me in this moment. From experience in the past it made me know…

Although her have a boyfriend.
Although I without her I was felt happy.
Just I close up her.
Just I know her fine.
Just I know her happy with her boyfriend.
Just I take cares her closer.
Just I hear her void.
Just I see her smile.
I just hope I was her friend only.
I just hope I stay with her when her cry.
I just hope the last that was missing by her.

Henceforth I will restraint one’s mind, told to my own I‘m her friend.

All of thing that made me know I give in sacrifice for my love.