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“love is sacrifice”

Review to show my mind

So I would like to review the old story because if I continues to write a journal but I hadn’t old story I can’t to write continues.Review Today I was so confused in my mind especially in my heart. The story was begun since last semester when I was freshman. I met a girl who is study in faculty of law as me. On that day which was my exam, I was reading a textbook near the library.A moment later, one charming girl stepped closer and set opposite to me. She had a long brown hair, white skin, big eyes, cheerful, pretty shot and more sex appears.All of thing made me impressed by her. I wanted to know about her and wanted to talk with her more. But that day I couldn’t to take her because I read a textbook for exam. Then I never met her.

Until this semester I met her again. Especially she studied English in my class.
I’m very happy! I think… I will do sth. to let her know what I feel about her.

In other hand tell now she never had a boyfriend, but I know… she has just had boyfriend recently.

“What can I do??”
“What I will do??”

I think… I will do by “look to her who has a happy”

To show my mind

Some people said that “love is sacrifice” as me in this moment. From experience in the past it made me know…

Although her have a boyfriend.
Although I without her I was felt happy.
Just I close up her.
Just I know her fine.
Just I know her happy with her boyfriend.
Just I take cares her closer.
Just I hear her void.
Just I see her smile.
I just hope I was her friend only.
I just hope I stay with her when her cry.
I just hope the last that was missing by her.

Henceforth I will restraint one’s mind, told to my own I‘m her friend.

All of thing that made me know I give in sacrifice for my love.

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