Say Hi !!!

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Thank You…


Try agian

Before mid term examination I was do sth wrong, first I did wrong in my assignment’s English III that I need to write journal 500 words per week, and post this it in to the blog online. So I miss understand about death line that I need to send a teacher every week. I thought I can send the assignment in the last day before mid term examination which made my mark got down.
Second I didn’t answer 1 part in mid term examination because I spend the time for another parts that made me got down in make of mid term examination. After mid term examination I goal… I will do in assignment as well as my ability.

Normally I will post journal every Saturday but this day is a special, so I need to post it today because since this day to Monday I will go to Lumpang to do activity for University that we construct a dam in the forest for protect a source of a river as follow the work of a king.

This activity has a back ground by ethic subject since 1-2 months ago when I had a class teacher told about service learning. After class I thought I should do sth for a social as the king did for us, not more or less

Then I gather my friends who have aspiration like me join together to set up this activity. Next we contract to another university to join with us such as Parjomkrol university, Kaseadsat university (most of the activity that student‘s ABAC often were set up and contract in university only. By personally I always think different and this activity gave me a chance to do a new trend for example other students who study at ABAC from now on to do like my activity)

About Plan…

We get on the bus at 20.00 pm. On Friday arrived Lumpang about 9.00 am. On Saterday, next in the morning we will walk to the resident in the forest, get a relax finish in that day

On Sunday morning we start weak up early walk to the forest start to construct a dam with the residents have a break at noon then continue to evening, stop at night. Go to the camp, relax, sleep.

On Monday we get on the bus come back to Bangkok. Arrived about 21.00-22.00 pm on Sunday.

That sure when I arrived at Bangkok I will post a photo to show u… have a nice, day nice weekend, nice your activity…

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