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Thank You…



Today have a good time to continues the story “ Horror in University “ after I though a pattern and the end of the story. Finally I was thinks

“OK!!! Let continues"

Everything would be okay. I was wrong. As I got closer to the car I realised that it had stopped. I slowed down and pulled up alongside. The driver's seat was empty. There were three other people in the car and they were all dead - a mother in the front and her two dead children in the back. Their faces were screwed up with expressions of agony and panic. Their skin was pale grey and I could see on the body of the child nearest to me that there was a trickle of blood running from between its lips and down the side of its lifeless face. I kept the van moving slowly forward and saw that a couple of metres further down the road the body of the missing driver lay sprawled across the tarmac. I had to drive up onto the grass verge to avoid driving over him.
I was so fucking scared. I cried like a baby as I drove back towards home.
I can't be sure, but I must have seen another forty or fifty bodies by the time I'd made it back to Northwich. The streets were littered with the dead. It was bizarre - people just seemed to have fallen where they'd been standing. Whatever they'd been doing, wherever they'd been going, they'd just dropped.
The situation was so unexpected and inexplicable that it was only at that point that I thought about the safety of my family. I put my foot down flat on the accelerator and was outside my house in seconds. I jumped out of the van and ran to the door. My hands were shaking and I couldn't get the key in the lock. Eventually I opened it and immediately wished that I hadn't. The house was silent.
I ran up to the bedroom and that's where I found them both. Jane and our beautiful little girl both dead. Peach's face was frozen in the middle of a silent scream and there was blood all around her mouth and on Kron's white night dress and the sheets. They were both still warm and I shook them and screamed at them to wake up and talk to me. Jane looked terrified. I tried to close her frightened eyes to make believe she was just sleeping but I couldn't. They wouldn't stay shut.
I couldn't stand to leave them but I couldn't stand to stay there either. I had to get out. I put Peach into bed with her mum, kissed them both goodbye and pulled the sheets up over their heads. I left the house, locked the door behind me and then walked.
I spent hours stepping through the bodies just shouting out for help.


Her!!! Finally, that story finish. I remember I wrote a story since semester 1 “Ha Ha Ha” that so long “Forget it! “And now we continue my lift style in this day.
Fantastic!!! Today the roads hadn’t anything “no one” “on cars” “on traffic jam”, and most I transformed from my home to ABAC that, too fast “No No” very fast!!!”
I didn’t believed in my eyes. When I arrived at University that made me knew ABAC
The one of the University had a classes, teach, and students want to study in this day. “Ha Ha Ha“ I will remember until I will die. So the fantastic made me dizzy.

However I hope everybody have a nice day as your personality so nice, too.

Good day Good dream Good Bye…

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