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Hallooo…my reader dear, First of all I must apologize to you intention for wait to read my journal.

Last week I had a chance to met many problem, people, and sth changed thatI told U since last journal. I went to Lumpang to build weir. We went to Lumpang all 57 persons, 3 university, 3 teachers for advised that activity was set up by cooperation between ABAC, KU, KMIT together which ABAC was host of this activity, too.

This camp we had staffs all about 27 persons, ABAC’s 20 persons another university 7-8 person.

By Me I was staff, I did in duty of vice-chairman which I had a duty to control all staffs who had a duty in a camp (take it easy I will control, take care delegates pass a all staff)
Cause this camp had a many people, many university that made me hard to did work follow as schedule. Might be we came to another university, might be we had a many process of work, and might be we didn’t understand reciprocal…

We moved out form Bangkok at 20.00 pm with 1 bus 50 seats, in part of staffs we separated some staffs went to Lumpang before, first in the morning on that day by van 12 seats

On the way we had a break at gas station in Kampangpet for ate a dinner then we move again. We arrived Limpang at 6.00 am, took a bag down, move a people to the resident, assert a delegates to 4 groups with random (we want everybody to know relation because we came from another place, tradition, Ideal)

Then I announced a room for delegates for rest and gave a time for relax, talk a bath, and ate a breakfast. In part staffs didn’t stop we continue work together. I called all staffs meeting to brief a schedule, action plans for that day that staffs must to do.

When tome limited I called all delegates to meet the hall for opening camp. We spend a time for opening process all the morning. At noon we had a break to ate, relax then evening we started again to study how to made a weir till 6.00 pm. We had a dinner and went to a bad. That night I called staffs again for Eva ration routine.

Next day (third day) Staffs got up early for woke up delegates who slept at rooms. I assigned to staffs to told delegates about a plan 5.00 am (weak up), 6.00 am (Breakfast stat), and 7.00 am (all delegates). After staffs was weak up delegates finish about 5.30 am. I called all staffs meeting again to brief a plan for that day while delegates were getting up.

At 7.00 am after delegates eat finished. We started move out from resident to the forest for build a weir at headspring. While some staffs prepared equipment for build a weir such as hoe, spud, axe, hammer, crosscut saw, nail, wire.
We spend a time not more to arrived headspring then we assorted delegates into 4 groups, again. By staffs I separated them to another groups for take care, help when they need.

At noon we break to eat a meal about 1 hour, next to continue build a weir again till 5.30 pm. Then we moved out to us residents. When we arrived that I announce to delegates for a free time to relax and next plan what we need to join.

In that night after dinner we created entertainment activity for fun and relax to everybody

Fourth day, as same third day all staffs were weak up delegates 5.00 am, open line breakfast 6.00 am, all meeting 7.00 am. That day we didn’t to build a weir, but we went to forest for afforest. We afforest all the day, had a break at noon, came back at 5.30 pm.

Last day we got up early same everyday, packing bag, prepared to get on a busat about 10.00 am we were move out for camp to Bangkok.No the way we had a stop for travel, and shopping then we arrived to Bangkok at about 10.00 pm

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Seems like you did a great job Apirak!